Thursday, January 24, 2019

Math Activities to Teach Using Familiar Facts: Multiplication Tic-Tac-Toe

Math Game: Multiplication Tic-Tac-Toe (Le Morpion de Multiplication)
Math Strategy: Using Familiar Facts
Math Strand: Number Sense & Numeration: Multiplication



The goal of this activity is for students to recognize factors of products in front of them so they can begin to identify them more quickly. However, we cannot ignore the importance of providing students the opportunity to use models to help develop meaning for the symbols in operations and to lessen their abstraction. Therefore, before introducing this type of activity, students should have had many previous opportunities to use various objects and materials to help them make sense of multiplication.

How this activity supports learning:
Playing games, like “Tic Tac Toe Multiplication” (Le Morpion de Multiplication), is a great way to support the automatic recall of multiplication facts.

By using a game to reinforce the concept, students will be engaged and this will provide the teacher the opportunity to circulate and have a quick look into where students are having success and what challenges they may be encountering. It also helps us to discover what strategies our students are using and where they are on the continuum of learning. Once we can identify what strategies our students are using, we can help determine a more efficient strategy to help improve that individual's proficiency with multiplication.

Where to next?
Remember to include variations of the game to challenge students appropriately and maintain engagement. This will also provide students the opportunity to develop a strong proficiency with a variety of factors and products. As you circulate, join different students games and don’t forget to ask them to explain how they knew their answer. Having students explain their thinking, not only gives us insight into the strategies they used, but also provides a model for others as to different ways to think about the same problem. The more students share ideas and thinking, the more their learning can progress.

Click Here for the French Game Boards

Share your classroom experiences with “Multiplication Tic-Tac-Toe” with us on Instagram and Twitter at @LKelempro #EngageLK!

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