Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Math Activity to Teach Subitizing: Dot Plate Pattern Flashes

Dot Plate Pattern Flashes - Mini Subitizing Lesson

Math Strategy: Subitizing (whole class and small group)
Math Strand: Number Sense & Numeration

English Video:

French Video:

Playing games, like “Dot Plate Pattern Flashes”, is a great way to support subitizing to discover what strategies our students are using and where they are on the continuum of learning. The goal of this activity is for children to recognize the number of dots in front of them so that children can begin to identify the number by using familiar patterns, rather than by counting each dot one by one. By using a game to teach the concept, students will be engaged and this will allow the teacher to have a quick look into where each student is at with this strategy. 
If you’re looking for additional information around subitizing, check out our blog link below for the previous video “What is Subitizing?”

How this activity supports learning:
With students continually practicing their subitizing skills, they will start recognizing larger numbers by noticing small familiar patterns within the larger number. The more comfortable they become, the easier it will be for them to transition along the Student Continuum of Numeracy Development, from the “What to Look For” resource by Alex Lawson. There are also many variations that could support learning, such as asking students to tell you “one more” or “one less”.

Where to next?
After playing the game, remember to include variations of the game to maintain engagement and develop a strong proficiency with numbers. Don’t forget to give children an opportunity to explain how they knew their answer. Once you feel the students are comfortable with this strategy, try to move on with the next strategy from the continuum, which is “Counting Three Times”.

Share your classroom experiences with “Dot Plate Pattern Flashes” with us on Instagram and Twitter at @LKelempro #EngageLK!

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