Thursday, December 9, 2021

New Resource: Books By Indigenous Authors, Indigenous Languages and Curriculum Connections

In the spirit of moving beyond Indigenous Education “Events” and moving toward sharing the importance of embedding Indigenous histories, stories and voices in all areas of the curriculum, I am excited to share a new learning resource with LKDSB students and teachers (K-Grade 8).

Lenape and Ojibwe Language/Curriculum Connections to Children’s Literature

This website helps educators to make connections between picture books written by Indigenous authors, the Ontario Curriculum and the Ojibwe Language  (Coming Soon: Lenape  Language).  This website is organized by language, and the curriculum connections are listed in the book descriptions. It is a work in progress, and I will be adding more Ojibwe language and Lenape Language videos as they are made available. 

Each book grouping has a link to a Google folder with videos of an Ojibwe or Lenape (coming soon) language speaker teaching you how to say some words.  You will also find a word list and QR codes so you can post and share these words around your classroom, word wall, Learning Commons and throughout the school environment. Feel free to use the videos in your morning announcements for “Ojibwe Word of the Week”. 

The picture books will support curriculum connections and demonstrate to educators and students that the Ojibwe and Lenape languages have value in all LKDSB schools. The picture books that will be used are books that have been purchased for LKDSB elementary schools, so there will be a copy in each school. 

*To see a list of books that have been purchased for LKDSB elementary schools in the past 2 years, please visit this website:

Please see this previous blog post about the learning that has been happening at Lansdowne and their experiences with school-wide read alouds.

This website was inspired by the work and learning of educators from P.E. McGibbon and AA Wright while they participated in the Teachers Leading and Learning Project (TLLP).  They have recorded their learning journey and have provided many examples of how they embed the Ojibwe Language in their classrooms in their blog that you can find here: Feel free to use their Ojibwe Words of the Week resources in your classrooms!

And remember: 

Picture books are great for ALL GRADES! 

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