Monday, March 11, 2019

Math Activity to Teach Using Familiar Facts: Quiz Quiz Trade

Math Game: Quiz Quiz Trade

Strand: Number Sense Numeration multiplication
Math Strategy: Using Familiar Facts

Materials: variety of Arrays cards, corresponding multiplication fact cards

During this activity, each student has a different card. Each card shows a different array on one side and the corresponding multiplication fact on the back. Student will ‘mill about the room’ finding another student to Quiz, by showing them their array picture and having the opponent say the multiplication fact on the back. Then the other student will Quiz (show) his/her array and have their opponent say the multiplication fact. Before finding another opponent, the two students trade their cards and move on.  The activity ends when students have had a chance to subitizing a few different arrays and time is up.

How this supports students learning: 
This activity supports students developing a conceptual understanding of math facts by giving them the opportunity to represent multiplication facts pictorially. Using models,  students can use various objects and materials that will help them make sense of operations such as array formations.

“Arrays are powerful models for representing multiplication, division, and area. Many objects in real life can be arranged in arrays, and such arrays provide visual, concrete contexts for multiplication and division. The construction and understanding of an array as a model is an important concept for students to develop over time and with experience.” (GEIM., vol.5 pg. 35)

Where to next: once students have mastered arrays, they will be able to break multi-digit factors into smaller parts for easier solutions such as; 14 x 9 = 4 x 9 + 10 x 9. The student can further their understanding of breaking arrays into smaller factors by using base ten blocks to represent larger numbers and breaking them into smaller factors.

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