Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Progress Reports: Refresher

For Grades 1 to 8, in the fall, teachers will use the Elementary Progress Report Card to inform parents of the progress students are making towards achievement of the curriculum expectations for each subject/strand. 

Kindergarten Teachers will be sharing with families an overview of the child’s learning, early evidence of growth in learning and, some information about appropriate next steps to further the child’s learning in the Kindergarten Initial Observations report.

LKDSB teachers access the Progress Reports in Aspen. Resources including procedural steps and How-To Videos can be accessed in the document Reporting Student Achievement in Aspen

If you are new to Progress Reports or Initial Observations using Aspen, viewing this Live Session recording may be helpful.

If you are looking for a "refresher" on the functions used in Aspen to support the completion of the Progress Reports and the Initial Observations, view this Live session recording.