Thursday, January 17, 2019

Math Activity to Teach Doubling: Spinning for Doubles

Math Activity: Spinning for Doubles

Strand: Number Sense and Numeration, Addition & Multiplication
Math Strategy: Doubling



• a copy of the board game and spinner
• counters, a pencil,
• a paper clip
• 2 players

During this game students develop their understanding of the making doubles strategy as they work to find all the doubles needed to fill their game board. They take turns spinning the spinner; once the spinner stops, the student needs to identify what the double of that number is and place a counter on their side of the game board.  The players continue taking turns until one of them fills their entire game board.

How this Supports Student Learning: 
This game provides students an opportunity to practice learning their doubles.  Learning their doubles is an important milestone towards adding and multiplication.  Once students know their doubles, they can are quickly able to recognize near doubles and doubles plus one. This allows students to work with numbers flexibly, as they adjust numbers to make them easier to work with.

Where to next?
Concentrating on Doubles, Magic-Doubles, Over-Easy Doubles and Last One to School are all games that support the making doubles strategy. Practice with a variety of games will help the student to develop mastery of this strategy. Once the student is confident with making doubles you can introduce games that support the near doubles strategy, like Snappy Doubles, Find a Friendly Neighbour and Spinning for Near-Doubles.

These activities can be found, beginning on page 72, in the English Guide to Effective Instruction in Math Volume 5 and in the French Guide d'enseignement efficace des mathématiques, de la maternelle à la 6e année:Fascicule 5 on page 74-77 here.

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